Whether you’re an experienced horse person or someone with no experience, the Soaring Hearts Centre has something for you. Our programs utilize the intuitive and sensitive nature of these beautiful creatures to lead you to open your heart and connect with your own internal sense of knowing.
Individuals visiting the Centre may interact with the horses through a range of offerings – by simply “hanging out” with them, surrounded by their beautiful big heart energy, or delving into personal transformation as part of a facilitated Equine discovery session. Sessions are based on the Mind Body Method™ developed by Kathy Pike of Coaching with Horses™ . Depending on specific needs or comfort level, your experience may be a reflective grooming session, reflective round pen session, active round pen session or perhaps another type of experience where you’ll come together in a safe, unique and transformative way that will quite possibly touch your heart like never before.
As the Centre grows, the Soaring Hearts Centre will continue to expand services where people can gain a deeper sense of self and their heartfelt connections through horses. Keep in touch with ‘What’s New’ through our email list.
Our Horses
The Soaring Hearts Centre has a herd of sixteen magnificent Arabian horses who vary in their levels of experience and age. Several of our horses are Arabian US National Champions and Reserve National Champions in Arabian cutting who have fallen in love with their new role as as facilitators when Cynthia does the Equine Facilitated Coaching and Learning she's been trained in through Kathy Pike’s “Coaching with Horses”™. Our family of horses range in age from our youngest at 5 to our “old lady” – Rosie who is the mother, grandmother, and great grandmother to part of our herd. Horses are provided for this hands-on, Epona approach program.