• 2668 Highway 36 S Box 174, Burton, Texas 77835 United States
  • (979) 203-7775

I am in love with this journey and adventure called life! I believe we are each individually unique and an important and crucial note in God’s symphony of creation. Each of us has gifts, talents, skills and are called to express them, enriching and expressing God’s symphony by living fulfilling lives.

My work is about facilitating the fulfillment of your heart’s desire. When working, my intention is to meet you wherever you are in the moment. Whether it is healing physical or emotional pain, or facilitating mental or spiritual rejuvenation, I use my vast training and experience to assist your unique journey. By learning to unite your body, mind and spirit and connecting with your inner wisdom, you can be on your path of joy filled authenticity, peace and freedom.

I deeply respect that each person has their own process and goals. 

I come with no agenda. 

I am here simply to facilitate and support your journey of discovering the fullness of life you can celebrate.

Appreciation and Gratitude to...

The many people who have lent encouraging words, support, enthusiasm and shared their gifts, talents, and skills in getting me to the place of website creation and getting it “up and running”. If you can imagine you have helped in some way, then trust that is true. For now, here’s a list of folks who have directly contributed.


Cynthina S. Heinsohn - Web Mistress
She did the design and workings of the website. Those workings that boggle my mind. Helping me find a presence in the world of “the web”.

Janis Cooper - Coaching With Horses Graduate & Colleague
She helped me put my thoughts, experiences and feelings into words—the content of this website.

Alice George - A Photographer Extraordinaire!
Alice is usually behind a camera so I’ve used a picture she took. For years, she has helped us capture the spirit of our beautiful horses.

About CymplyLife!

My voyage in life has amassed 20+ years of Healing Arts, self-development training and experience that have influenced me personally while guiding me towards my passion of working with others – making possible the journey of discovery, integration and freedom. Along your path to self-discovery, we invite you to join us to explore the preciousness of life by learning to live CymplyLife!

  • mailing address: 2668 Highway 36 S Box 174, Brenham, Texas 77833 United States
  • (979)203-7775
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